(Jai guru deva om)-ڿ, ּҼ! Ʈ å ϴ ٽ (motto)̴.
ð, Ż Ը δ. . Դ å к Ǿ, ʴ ̰ ̰, 鸮 ʴ 鸮 ̸, ϴ ̴. Ͽ ̴.
15 ª ȭ ȭ Ƽ, Ʈ(mantra) ϴ å 츮 ݱ Դ ڼ ġ ´. ȥ , ȣ ٵ װ 츮 λ ǰ ϴ () ݰ ̴. ư Ű ĵ ̴.
å а ,
϶õ ۺ÷̴. б ϰ ǰ Ȱ ǻ ǥ åǼīMBPSA Ȱϰ ִ. åδ <λ >, <Ǽҵ Բ д Ʈ>, < ˾ƾ ܷ 220>, <з д 100>, < ߽ɿ ʸ > ְ, ű åδ < Ƶ >
(notion and viewpoint)
(existence and nonexistence)
ҿ (perfection and imperfection)
(freedom and restriction)
ƴ (someone who knowledgeable)
(ڸ) (beauty and ego)
Ÿ и (distance or separation)
(faith and religion)
̳ ȥ (ideology and soul)
ǹ (meaning of life)
ȭ() (be enlightened)
(reason for existence)
ü (identity within me)
(gratitude and present)