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û Ÿ ϴ 2024 ϸ!

غǰ ִٰ ۽ Ÿ. êGPT ׷. ΰ ̾߱Ⱑ , êGPTŭ 츮 ִ . ޶ ϱ? ڿ ϴٴ ̴. α ִ ο α׷  . ⼭ ϴ  ѱ ְ, Ϻ ִ. ׷ϱ ׳ ۷ ̷ ΰ ô뿡 ̴.

ڵ, å AI ΰɡ, êGPT ϴ Ʈ ڸ 2024 ΰ Ȥ ָߴ. ߿ ̴̰. , AI ڽ . װͿ ű ä ϴ ñ ΰ ̴. ̵ϰ ƹ ȯ ׸ ׸, ġ ΰ ִ. ٷ ȭ̴. ΰ ִ ø . ̸ 츮 ˾ƾ ϰ, غؾ ұ? 2 ȸ ã ΰ? Ʈ ڸơ õõ б⸦ Ѵ.


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KBS FM 賭 Ʈ ÷ α׷ , ѱ Ը ¶ K-MOOC Һڿ 塯̶ ¸ ϰ ִ. ֱٿ Ʃ ä ƮڸTV Ʈ εϰ ִ.

12° [Ʈ ڸ] ø ų ϸ ƮƮΡϡȯ桤ɺ̾1ڳ Ʈ  ǥ ִ. ܿ 2020 Consumer Trend Insights(Ʈ ڸ 2020 ), Ʈ ε: ļ, Ʈ ̳(), Ÿ ڸơ ҺƮ 濵 ϱ û̴١, õ  ȴ١, 賭 :ϡ, ũ ð ̴ϱ ̸ Ⱓߴ.

Rando Kim is a professor in the Dept. of Consumer Science(DCS), Seoul National University(SNU) and the head of Consumer Trend Center(CTC), SNU. As a specialist in consumer behavior and market trend analysis, he has written more than 20 books including Trend Korea series, Trend China, What Consumers Want , and Luxury Korea. He also wrote essay books, Amor Fati , Future and My Job, and Youth, Its Painful which is sold three million copies in 14 countries. He has conducted research projects about consumer needs finding, new product planning, and market trend probing for Koreas major companies like Samsung, LG, SK, CJ, Hyundai Motors, Amore Pacific, Lotte, Fursys, Nongshim, and Coway.

2024 10 ҺƮ Ű 22

1 2023 ѹα

ڸ 27
Ӱ Һڵ 42
ؼ 73
Ȳ غϴ 89

Ʈ ڸơ 2023 ѹα 10 Ʈ ǰ 104

2 2024 Ʈ

Dont Waste a Single Second: Time-Efficient Society ʻȸ 132
Rise of Homo Promptus ȣ Ʈ 156
Aspiring to Be a Hexagonal Human ΰ 182
Getting the Price Right: Variable Pricing ̾Ƽ 212
On Dopamine Farming Ĺ 240
Not Like Old Daddies, Millennial Hubbies ƺ 262
Expanding Your Horizons: Spin-off Projects ɿ Ʈ 288
You Choose, Ill Follow: Ditto Consumption Һ 316
ElastiCity. Liquidpolitan ź 344
Supporting One Another: Care-based Economy 372

η 410


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