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Zane Grey "The Light of the Western Stars" 1914⿡ ǵ ҼԴϴ. ǰ ߽ 븦 ϸ, ģ ī캸 θǽ ߽ ̾߱Ⱑ ˴ϴ.

Ҽ ΰ Madeline Hammond , ã η ϴ. ׳ 쿬 Gene Stewart ī캸̸ ǰ, ׿  ŷ˴ϴ. Madeline ϰ Ȱ ȭ ϴ.

Grey ǰ ο ȭ , , ׸ ȭ Žմϴ. ΰ Madeline ȭ ȸ ģ Ȱ ȿ ׷ϴ.

Ҽ θǽӸ ƴ϶ ߽ , ڵ 븳,  پ ٷϴ. Grey Ư¡ ڿ 簡 ̸, ߽ Ȱ dz ϴ ̾߱ ߿ ˴ϴ.

"The Light of the Western Stars" Zane Grey ǥ ϳ, Ҽ ҵ - θǽ, , ڿ , - ݴϴ. ǰ ڸ, Grey ۰ ִ ߿ ǰ 򰡹޽ϴ.

Zane Grey's "The Light of the Western Stars" is a western novel published in 1914. The story is set in the ranchlands of New Mexico, and centers around a romance between an eastern woman and a rugged western cowboy.

The main character, Madeline Hammond, is from an upper-class family in New York and travels to the west to find her brother. She meets a cowboy named Gene Stewart by chance, and her encounter with him leads to a fascination with western life. Madeline gradually changes as she buys a ranch and learns the western way of life.

Through this work, Grey explores the cultural differences between the east and the west, the conflict between classes, and the growth and change of individuals. The main character Madeline's growth is effectively portrayed through the contrast between civilized eastern society and the rugged western life.

In addition to romance, the novel deals with various realistic issues of the west, such as the impact of the Mexican Revolution, conflicts with outlaws, and the difficulties of running a ranch. Gray's characteristic natural descriptions stand out, and the vast landscapes of New Mexico and the starry night skies of the West are important backdrops to the story.

"The Light of the Western Stars" is one of Zane Gray's masterpieces, and it exemplifies the typical elements of his Western novels - intense romance, adventure, awe of nature, and the spirit of the West. It has become a classic of Western literature and is considered an important work that shows Gray's maturity as a writer.

When Madeline Hammond stepped from the train at El Cajon, New Mexico, it was nearly midnight, and her first impression was of a huge dark space of cool, windy emptiness, strange and silent, stretching away under great blinking white stars.
Miss, theres no one to meet you, said the conductor, rather anxiously.
I wired my brother, she replied. The train being so late?perhaps he grew tired of waiting. He will be here presently. But, if he should not come?surely I can find a hotel?
Theres lodgings to be had. Get the station agent to show you. If youll excuse me?this is no place for a lady like you to be alone at night. Its a rough little town?mostly Mexicans, miners, cowboys. And they carouse a lot. Besides, the revolution across the border has stirred up some excitement along the line. Miss, I guess its safe enough, if you?

I. A Gentleman of the Range
II. A Secret Kept
III. Sister and Brother
IV. A Ride From Sunrise To Sunset
V. The Round-Up
VI. A Gift and A Purchase
VII. Her Majestys Rancho
VIII. El Capitan
IX. The New Foreman
X. Don Carloss Vaqueros
XI. A Band of Guerrillas
XII. Friends from the East
XIII. Cowboy Golf
XIV. Bandits
XV. The Mountain Trail
XVI. The Crags
XVII. The Lost Mine of the Padres
XVIII. Bonita
XIX. Don Carlos
XX. The Sheriff of El Cajon
XXI. Unbridled
XXII. The Secret Told
XXIII. The Light of Western Stars
XXIV. The Ride
XXV. At the End of the Road


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