ī翡 DZ پ ƶ ü ִ
尨 ӿ ģ Ȯ ǥ
ܿµ ڲ ؾ? ܿ ߴµ ϱ? (usage) ӻ(use) ᱹ ʴ´. Ȳ ˸ ִ ߸ ĥ .
ڴ 8 ī ָ뿡 ڻ , ĶϾ ָп , ̸, پ ȭ Ȳ ü ߸ 'ִ ' ش. Ȱ ӿ ü ˱ Ǯߴ. е ѱ ״ ϻ ƶ Ȳ ˸ ȭ ְ ȴ.
ܼ θ Ѿ, ƶ Ȳ ظ , ڽŸ ִ ִ. ϻ dzϰ ڿ å Ư ŷ ǥ ڿ ĥ ϰ е鿡 ū ̴.
ָ(SUNY at Buffalo) ڻ(), ָ(SUNY at Buffalo) (), ѱܱ л.
) ѱܱ .
) ѱܱ , ѱܱ TESOLп, ѱܱ TESOL, AsiaTEFL ȸ, ѱȸ ȸ, ѱȸ ȸ, б , ȭ .
Part 1. ȭ ӿ 01. How do you like your eggs? 帱?02. Dudeģ03. Military cadence̳ ߿ ϴ (̱)04. American Names̱ ̸05. Is that for here or to go?⼭ ó? ƴ ó?06. Get back!ư!07. Bless you! ϱ⸦!08. Can I have something to eat? ֽǷ?09. How about five fifteen?5 15п ?10. Vetǻ11. Paper or plastic?̺ ־帱? Һ ־帱?12. Bingo!!13. TitleȣĪ14. Hey y'all, ȳ15. Headem up, Moveem out!16. Nickname of States г17. Tailgate partyϰƮ Ƽ18. Dont cut in lineġ 19. The third time is the charm ° õ Ѵ20. Knock on wood ⸦21. White-breaḏ 22. Slow downӵ 23. Go Dutch ŭ ô24. Would you pass me the salt?ұ dzֽðھ?25. Furloughް26. His response is PC ġ ùٸ ( ʴ)27. Queue 28. Bear right 29. Long blackȣ Ƹī30. North America 2026 FIFA World Cup2026 ߹ Part 2. ݷ ӿ 31. Keep it upϰ ض!32. Good eye! !33. Now you're talking ̾߱Ⱑ ϳ, ٷ װž34. Lets give a big round of applause for~~ ū ڼ ּ35. No matter the test, we go together ִ 츮 Բ ô36. Its no mean feat εPart 3. ȭ Ǵ 37. How are you doing? vs How are you?ȳϼ?38. What's up? ?39. You know what?ݾƿ䡦40. Psst!, ! - Ҹ Ǹ 41. You all right?ȳϼ?42. Without further adoü, ̷ ʰ43. I am doing alright, thanks. You? ϴ. ؿ. ?Part 4. ִ 44. Are you kidding me?45. I am hangryļ ȭ46. No offense, but~Ǵ , ~47. OMG¼, 48. Sorry to put you on the spotȤ ̾ؿ49. Bittersweet ູ50. Eww51. No hard feelings ̿52. Sweet and salty Դϴ53. We offer our heartfelt sympathy to~ ֵ ǥմϴ54. Bring it on! = I am ready!55. I'll bite your head off!ȭ ž!56. Dont feel under any obligation to do this̰ ǹ Part 5. 57. Where are we?츮 ?58. Rant and raveũ Ҹ, ̴59. Comfort zone 60. The physically challengedü ̵61. Sink in صǴ62. Anybody wants to go out with me? Ʈ ֳ?63. Downtown is brimming with holiday cheeró Ȱ ƽϴ64. Can I just walk in?׳ dz, ?65. Stuck in a rutŸ , ųʸ 66. Chillϴ, 67. He lobbed the ball in Kims court״ Ѱ67. Whats cooking? ΰ?69. Is that on the back burner now?װ ΰ?70. Can I steal the chair? ˴ϱ?71. Under the weather ġ , ణ 72. In (at) the back of mindӿ73. You're all set غǾϴ74. Crack the whipä ֵθ75. Get back into the swing of thingsͼ76. What makes you heart beat? ٰ ϴ Դϱ?77. It's going to be a blastװ ų Դϴ78. Strike a chord with~~ ɱ ︮79. Jump in80. I must start again from scratch ó ٽ ؾ߸ 81. Cup ȣ82. I am stoked to be here with you guysа Բ ϰ Ǿ е˴ϴ83. Ironclad, money-back guaranteeȮ ȯ 84. Top-of-the-lineֽŽ85. Give me a heads-upͶִ86. Tall order ֹ87. Fall forӾ Ѿ88. Thats my two cents anyway Դϴ89. Beacon of light ٱ , õ90. I hope our paths cross againٽ ֱ⸦ ٶϴ91. Never a dull moment ٻڴPart 6. ĥ 92. Who is the lucky lady? ΰ?93. Are you still working or are you through?Ļ ̽Ű ƴϸ ġ̳?94. What brings you here? ̰ Ǿ?95. Mix and match ߴ96. A big no-no ˴ϴ97. I find him hard to read ϱ 100. Stack up Ͽ 101. If you know whats good for youſ ȴٸ102. Been there done that ̾103. Pass outǽϴ104. otherwise() ~105. Are you leaving?⸦ ó?106. Coming through Կ107. Obviouslyи108. Catch up with~~ 109. XYZ빮 Ⱦ110. Who do you wanna talk to? ȭϱ ϳ?111. officer / officer 墥 / 屳112. I couldn't not go 113. Put togetherϴ114. The snow should taper off towards evening ῡ 鼭 پ Դϴ115. Scoot over ݸ 116. Unless I dont mean toǵġ ƴ϶117. Walk your bike 118. The test results were equivocal˻ Ȯϰ Գ119. At the top of the hour / At the bottom of the hourÿ / ݿ, 30п120. Pull off س, Ű