ڽŸ ö ϴ Ģ , ؿ 쵹 ! б , ȭ
* ѱۺ Բ ϵ ѿ Դϴ.
б 12г Ǿ. ̱ 4̶ ð 귶. ڴٴ ȥ ϰ θ ߴ ð . Բ ⸦ ־ٴ ʹ Ȯϴ. ϸ ϻȰ ϵ Բ . ð ȭ߰ ˾ Ǿ.
˷ ־.
, 츮 ־µ, 츮 ذؾ ߴ. ̷ ܴϰ ְ ־.
پ ư ְ ־. ʹ ູ ̴ Ұ, ٸ ô ȯ濡 뽺ϴ 鵵 Ҵ. ູ ϰ ;. ߿Ե ˾Ҵ.
ִ ǰ ־ ô븦 ݿϰ ־. 翡 Ⱑ DZ ߴ.
Ƹ ڿ տ ؾ ˾Ҵ. ƴ϶ ڿ ü Բ ϰ ֱ ̴.
, , ̰ åӰ ִ õõ ִٴ ˾ ִ. ư ִ ⸦ ־ ͵ ̾. ϰ Ư ߾ Ȱ , ֵ , ٸ ְ Ű , Ϳ , ƺ ̴.
ٶ ִ , ְ ̴.
2020 ̱ Delaware County Christian School б г ٴϰ ִ. θ ڷ ä 쿡 Ǻ̴Ͼַ ȥ . ܷӰ Բ ø ߴ. 34 , 61 ø ְ ڻ̶ ڽ ְ ִ. Բ ູ, ӵDZ Ҹϸ Ǵٽ ⸦ ۴.
Prologue : ູ ۵Ǿ!
ູ ູ ʾҾ! - ߳ -
ټ ° ̺ : , ƺ
01 ù,
ڡ (, )
< > (θũ, Ʈ)
ȳס (Ͻ, ״)
ī ָ (, ü)
, ? (θ, Ż)
ູ ӹ (帮, )
θǽ, θƽ (ĸ, )
02 ظ
翡 (׳, )
Ͼ꼭 Ƹٿ (丮, )
, ο âǴ (̽ź, Ű)
03 ,
߿ ã (īƮ, )
04 ó
ó ġϴ (Ÿ, Ͼ 츣ü)
ŷ (, κϾ)
05 ,
ʹ (ϰ, ũ)
ǿ塯 塯 (, 븣)
⳪ Ϸ, ŭ ߾ (, 븣)
η ǵ, η! (Ȧ, )
δ ൵ Ⱑ ʿ (Ű, ɶ)
Ÿ (ιٴϿ, ɶ)
ູ ϴ (Ż, Ͼ)
δ 缭 (Ʈθũ, þ)
06 ͼ ڶ
̺ (Ű, Ϻ)
̺ (ʶǾ, ̱)
, To be continued (ȫ)
° Ǹ (ֵ)
07 ϼϴ
Ȧμ (Ƽ, ij)
(, ij)
ͼ ʴ (̾ư, ij)
Epilogue : ,
Prologue : A special journey with my mom has begun!
I was happy, but I wasnt - Why did I choose to study abroad -
After the fifth goodbye : my mom and dads letters
01 Falling in love with Europe
The true travel companion (London, United Kingdom)
Into the Sound of Music (Salzburg, Austria)
Meeting Anne (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
A brilliant performance on the Charles Bridge (Praha, Czech)
Are you the mom, or am I? (Rome, Italy)
Staying long in a place you love (Madrid, Spain)
Moms romance, my romantic (Paris, France)
02 Enjoying the Mediterranean
Learning from the history (Athens, Greece)
A place that is beautiful because its white (Santorini Island, Greece)
The creation of the new (Istanbul, Turkey)
03 Asking where to go, on the highest place
The dream I found on the Himalayas (Kathmandu, Nepal)
04 Touching the wounds
How to heal your wounds (Mostar, Bosnia Herzegovina)
Cold, but charming (Bled, Slovenia)
05 Enjoying the leisure
The sweetest place in the world (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Not the Fjord, but the fish market (Bergen, Norway)
A long day, and a long memory (Oslo, Norway)
Jealous much? Yes! (Stockholm, Sweden)
Sometimes, you need courage to travel (Helsinki, Finland)
The fastest way to the Santa Village (Rovaniemi, Finland)
Changing the sadness to happiness (Tallinn, Estonia)
Asking for trouble (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
06 Growing up in a familiar place
A farewell trip (Okinawa, Japan)
The hardest goodbye ever (Philadelphia, United States)
Travelling, To be continued (Hong Kong)
The second nightmare (Jeju Island, Korea)
07 Completing myself
Standing on my own (Quebec City, Canada)
The gift that studying abroad has brought me (Toronto, Canada)
Separation is something that never gets easier (Niagara, Canada)
Epilogue : Another, complete travel